Master Thesis/Tesi di Laurea

Interested students are encouraged to send application for performing their master thesis (Laurea Magistrale) at the "O. Vittori" Observatory. A general list of topics and reference persons can be found in the following:
- Variability of reactive gases (NOx, CO, SO2 and O3) at the Mt. Cimone WMO/GAW Global Station. Reference person: Paolo Cristofanelli, p.cristofanelli -at-
- Comparison of different methodologies to identify mineral dust transport from Sahara affecting Monte Cimone. Reference person: Angela Marinoni, a.marinoni -at-
- Variability of aerosol optical properties at the Mt. Cimone WMO/GAW Global Station. Reference person: Angela Marinoni, a.marinoni -at-
- Size distribution and optical properties of mineral dust aerosols transported at Monte Cimone Reference person: Angela Marinoni, a.marinoni -at-
- Variability of ozone production efficency in the Mediterranean basin. Reference person: Paolo Cristofanelli, p.cristofanelli -at- isac.cnr.i